
Recommended Readings for Theatre History according to DJ

The following is a list of books that should be useful to you for clearing up points my lectures don't make clear, or merely for casual, instructive reading (yeah, sure, Dr Jack!). For those of you with access to a college library I have also provided call numbers for the vast majority of the books. In addition to books, I have listed several useful periodicals at the end of this document. Apologies, blogger is NOT recognizing my tabs, so the library call numbers are not in a neat line, though I hope they'll be useful to some of you!


Banham, Martin, ed. The Cambridge Guide to Theatre. 1995                    ref. PN2035 C27
Brockett, Oscar. History of the Theatre                                                       PN 2101 B6
Brockett, Oscar. The Theatre: An Introduction                                           PN 2101 B7
Carlson, Marvin. Theories of the Theatre                                                    PN 2039 C26
Clark, Barrett. European Theories of the Drama                                         PN 1661 C35
Cole, Toby. Playwrights on Playwriting                                                      PN 1661 C56
_____. Directors on Directing                                                                     PN 2053 C6
Dukore, Bernard. Dramatic Theory and Criticism                                      PN 1621 D8
Hartnoll, Phyllis, ed. The Oxford Companion to Theatre 1983                  ref. PN2035 H3
Izenour, George. Theatre Design                                                                 NA 6821 I94
Nagler, A.M. Sources of Theatrical History                                                PN 2101 N3
Nicoll, Allardyce, The Development of the Theatre                                   PN 2101 N5
______. World Drama                                                                                 PN 2101 N55
Pavis, Patrice. A Dictionary of the Theatre.  1998.
Stuart, Donald Clive. The Development of Dramatic Art                           PN 1721 S7
Wilmeth, Don and Tice Miller, eds. The Cambridge Guide to American Theatre


Campbell, Joseph. The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology (1959)          GN 470 C32
Frazer, J.G. The Golden Bough (1913-15)                                                   BL 310  F7
Kirby, E.T. Ur-Drama: The Origins of Theatre (1975)                                PN 2131 K5
Levi-Strauss, Claude. The Savage Mind (1966)                                          GN 451 L3813
Ridgeway, W. The Drama & Dramatic Dances of Non-European Races PA 3135 R45                    
Vince, Ronald. Ancient and Medieval Theatre: A Historiographical 
                                                                                             Handbook       Ref. PN 2131 V5


Arnott, Peter, Introduction to the Greek Theatre                                          PA 3201 A7
______. Greek Scenic Conventions                                                              PA 3201 A75
Bieber, Margarete. The History of the Greek and Roman Theatre (1939)   PA 3201 B5
Cornford, Francis. The Origin of Attic Comedy (1914)                               PA 3161 C7
Dearden, C.W. The Stage of Aristophanes (1976)                                        PA 3879 D38
Else, Gerald. Origin and Early Form of Greek Tragedy (1965)                   PA 25 M3
Flickinger, Roy. The Greek Theatre and Its Drama (1918)                          PA 3131 F5
Haigh, Arthur. Attic Theatre (1889)                                                             PA 3201 H3
Hamilton, Edith, The Greek Way (1952)                                                     DF 77 H34
______. Mythology (1940)                                                                          BL 310 H3
Kitto, H.D.F. Greek Tragedy (1950)                                                            PA 3131 K5
Lawler, Lillian B. The Dance of the Ancient Greeks (1964)                      GV 1611 L37
Nicoll, Allardyce. Masks, Mimes, and Miracles                                         PN 2071 G4
Norwood, Gilbert. Greek Comedy                                                              PA 3161 N6
______. Greek Tragedy                                                                               PA 3161 N6
Pickard-Cambridge, A.W. Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy (1962)         PA 3131 P5
______. The Theatre of Dionysus in Athens (1968)                                   PA 3201 P5
______. The Dramatic Festivals of Athens (1946)                                     PA 3203 P5
Taplin, Oliver. Greek Tragedy in Action (1978)                                         PA 3201 T3
Trendall, A.D. & T.B.L. Webster. Illustrations of Greek Drama                PN 7760 T7 +
Vince, Ancient, etc. (see GENERAL)
Vitruvius, Ten Books of Architecture                                                         NA 2515 V73
Webster, T.B.L. Greek Theatre Production (1970)                                     PA 3201 W4


Beacham, Richard, Spectacle Entertainments in Early
Imperial Rome (1999)
______, The Roman Theatre and Its Audience (1996)
Beare, W. The Roman Stage                                                                       PA 6067 B4
Bieber (see above)
Duckworth, George. The Nature of Roman Comedy (1952)                      PA 6069 D8
Hamilton, Edith. The Roman Way (1932)                                                  DG 77 H3
Lucas, Frank. Seneca and Elizabethan Tragedy (1922)                              PA 6675 L8
Nicoll. Masks etc. (see GREEK)
Norwood, Gilbert. Plautus and Terence (1932)                                          PA 6585 N6
Segal, Erich. Roman Laughter:The Comedy of Plautus                             PN 861 H3


Chambers, E.K. The Medieval Stage 2 vols. (1903)                                  Ref. PN 2152 C4
Craig, Hardin. English Religious Drama of the Middle Ages (1955)        PR 641 C7
Craik, Thomas. The Tudor Interlude: Stage, Costume, and Acting           PN 2589 C7
______, et al. The Revels History of Drama in English v. 2, 1500-1576  PN 2581 R48
Evans, Marshall. The Passion Play of Lucerne (1943)                              PN 3282 L8
Frank, Grace. The Medieval French Drama (1954)                                   PQ 513 F7
Gardiner, Harold. Mysteries’ End: An Investigation of the
Last Days of the Medieval Religious Stage                                    PR 641 G3
Nagler, A.M. The Medieval Religious Stage                                            PN 2152 N3
Nicoll, Masks, etc. (see GREEK)
Salter, F.M. Medieval Drama in Chester (1955)                                        PR 644 C4
Southern, Richard. The Medieval Theatre in the Round (1957)                PN 2587 S6
Tydeman, William. The Theatre in the Middle Ages (1978)                     PN 2152 T9
Vince, Ancient, etc. (see GENERAL)
______. A Companion to the Medieval Theatre (1989)                            Ref. PN 2152 C66
Wickham, Glynne. Early English Stages 1300-1600 2 vols.                     PN 2587 W53
______. The Medieval Theatre (1974)                                                      PN 2152 W5
Woolf, Rosemary. The English Mystery Plays (1972)                              PR 643 M8
Young, Karl. The Drama of the Medieval Church (1933)                        PN 1751 Y6


Brubaker, David. Court and Commedia: The Italian Renaissance Stage PN 2679 B78
Duchartre, Pierre. The Italian Comedy                                                     PQ 4155 D8
Herrick, Marvin. Italian Comedy in the Renaissance (1962)                   PQ 4149 H4
______. Italian Tragedy in the Renaissance (1965)                                 PQ 4149 H4
Hewitt, Barnard. The Renaissance Stage  (on Serlio & Sabbattini)         PN 2091 S8
Kernodle, George. From Art to Theatre: Form and Convention 
                                                                                  in the Renaissance  PN 2101 K4                               
Mullin, Donald C. The Development of the Playhouse: A Survey
ofArchitecture from the Renaissance to the Present (1970)          NA 6821 M8
Nagler, A.M. Theatre Festivals of the Medici 1539-1637 (1968             PN 2679 N3
Nicoll, Masks, etc. (see GREEK)
______. The World of Harlequin (1963)                                                  PR 658 M3
Oenslager, Donald. Stage Design: Four Centuries of Scenic Invention   PN 2091 S8
Smith, Winifred. The Commedia dell'Arte (1912)                                   PQ 4155 S6
Strong, Roy. Splendor at Court (1973)                                                     GT 3520 S7
Vince, Ronald. Renaissance Theatre: A Historiographical Handbook     Ref. PN 2171 V5
Worsthorne, S.T. Venetian Opera in the Seventeenth Century                 ML 1733 V4+


Adams, J.C. The Globe Playhouse: Its Design and Development            PR 2920 A38
Adams, J.Q. Shakespearean Playhouses (1917)                                        PN 2589 A3
Baldwin, T.W. The Organization and Personnel of the Shakespearean 
                                                                                            Company       PR 3095 B3
Barroll, L.L. et al. The Revels History of Drama in English vol 3 
                                                                                    1576-1613             PN 2581 R48
Beckermann, Bernard. Shakespeare at the Globe (1962)                         PR 3095 B4
Bentley, G.E. The Jacobean and Caroline Stage 5 vols.                           PN 2592 B4
______. The Professional Player in Shakespeare's Time                         PN 2589 B46
Bradbrook, M.C. The Rise of the Common Player                                  PN 2589 B7
Chambers, E.K. The Elizabethan Stage 4 vols (1923)                             PN 2589 C4
Craik et all (see above)
Gurr, Andrew, Playgoing in Shakespeare’s London, 2nd ed                    PN 2596 G87
______. The Shakespearean Stage (1992)                                                PR 3095 G87
Harbage, Alfred. Shakespeare's Audience (1958)                                    PR 3091 H36
Hodges, C.W. The Globe Restored (1968)                                               PR 2920 H6
Hotson, Leslie. Shakespeare's Wooden O (1960)                                     PR 2920 H65
Joseph, Bertram. Elizabethan Acting (1962)                                            PN 2061 J6
Leacroft, Richard. The Development of the English Playhouse               NA 6840 G7
Mullin (see RENAISSANCE)
Nagler, A.M. Shakespeare's Stage                                                             PR 3091 N313
Nicoll, Allardyce. Stuart Masques (1938)                                                 PR 658 M3
Orgel, Stephen and Roy Strong. Inigo Jones: The Theatre 
            of the Stuart Court 2 vols (1973) note: in oversized books          NA 997.J7 O7                                                 
Orrell, John. The Human Stage: English Theatre Design 1567-1640      NA 6840 G7
______. The Theatres of Inigo Jones and John Webb (1985)                  NA 6840 G7
Reynolds, George. The Staging of Elizabethan Plays at the Red Bull
            Theatre 1605-1625 (1940)                                                            PN2596 G7
Schoenbaum S. William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life    PR2894 S33
Smith, Irwin. Shakespeare's Blackfriars Playhouse (1964)                      PN 2596 G7
______. Shakespeare's Globe Playhouse: Its History and Design            NA 6840 G7
Speaignt, Robert. Shakespeare on the Stage (1973)                                  PR 3091 S58
Sprague, A.C. Shakespeare's Players and Performances (1953)               PR 3106 S6
Styan, J.L. Shakespeare's Stagecraft (1967)                                              PR 2995 S8
Vince, Renaissance etc. (see above)
Welsford, Enid. The Court Masque                                                           PN 2582 C6


Crawford, J.P.W. Spanish Drama Before Lope de Vega (1937)                PQ 6104 C7
MacCurdy, Raymond.  Spanish Drama in the Golden Age (1971)
Rennert, Hugo. The Life of Lope de Vega (1904)                                     PQ 6469 R3
______. The Spanish Stage in the Time of Lope de Vega (1909)             PN 2782 R4
Shergold, N.D. History of the Spanish Stage (1967)                                 PN 2782 S45
Wilson, Edward M. and Duncan Moir. A Literary History of Spain:
    The GoldenAge of Drama, 1492-1700 (1971)                                      PQ 6104 W48
Wilson, Margaret. Spanish Drama of the Golden Age                              PQ 6105 W5


Arnott, Peter.  an Introduction to French Theatre (1977)                          PN 2632 A7
Brereton, Geoffrey. French Comic Drama from the 16th to the
18th Century                                                                                              PQ 566 B7
______. French Tragic Drama in the 16th and 17th Centuries                 PQ 526 B69
Howarth, William D., ed. French Theatre in the Neoclassical Era           PN 2621 F73
Hubert, Judd. Moliere and the Comedy of Intellect                                  PQ 1860 H8
Lockert, Lacy. Studies in French Classical Tragedy (1958)                     PQ 563 L6
Lough, John. Seventeenth Century French Drama                                   PN 2632 L6
Palmer, John. Moliere                                                                               PQ 1852 P3
Turnell, Martin. The Classical Moment: Studies in Corneille, 
                                                                                 Moliere, & Racine   PQ 527 T8
Vinaver, Eugene. Racine and Poetic Tragedy (1955)                               PQ 1908 T67
Vince, Ronald. Neoclassical Theatre: A Historiographical Handbook   Ref. PN 2183 V56
Wiley, William L. The Early Public Theatre in France (1972)                PN 2625 W5


Avery, Emmett, et al. The London Stage 1660-1800: A Critical 
                                                                               Introduction              PN 2592 L58
Boswell, Eleanore. The Restoration Court Stage (1932)                        PN 2592 M8
Highfill, Langhans, and Burnim. A Biographical Dictionary etc           Ref. PN 2597 H5
Hotson, Leslie. The Commonwealth and Restoration Stage (1928)
Hume, Robert. The Development of English Drama                             PR 691 H8
______ ed., The London Theatre World 1660-1800 (1980)                  PN 2592 C64
Leacroft (see above)
Loftis, John, et al. The Revels History of Drama in English, vol 4       PN 2581 R48
Morgan, Fidelis, The Female Wits
Mullin (see above)
Odell, G.C.D. Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving                             PR 3091 O4
Revels History of Drama in English, vol. 5
Sprague, A.C. Beaumont and Fletcher on the Restoration Stage          PR 2434 S6
Stone, George W. et al. The London Stage 1660-1800                         PN 2592 S86
Summers, Montague. The Restoration Theatre (1934)                         PN 2592 S8


Anand, Mulk Raj. The Indian Theatre (1951)                                       PN 2884 A6
Adachi, Barbara. The Voice and Hands of Bunraku (1978)                  PN 1978 J3
Bowers. Faubion. Theatre in the East: A Survey of Asian 
                                                                                 Dance and Drama GV 1689 B6
______. Japanese Theatre (1952)                                                          PN 2921 O78
Brandon, James R. Guide to Theater in Asia                                        PN 2860 G8
______. Studies in Kabuki                                                                    PN 2924 K3
______ and Bauer, eds. Sanskrit Drama in Performance                     PN 2881 S26
Ernst, Earle. The Kabuki Theatre (1974)                                              PN 2921 E74
Gupta, Chandra Bhan. The Indian Theatre (1991)                               PN 2881 G86
Horrwitz, E.P. The Indian Theatre: A Brief Survey of Sanscrit Drama PK 2931 H7
Immoos, Thomas. Japanese Theatre (1977)                                         PN 2921 I45
Jones, C.R. Kathakali (1970)                                                                GV 1694 K46
Kalvodova, Chinese Theatre (1957)                                                     PN 2871 K3
Konparu, Kunio. The Noh Theatre:Principles and Perspectives          PN 2924.5N6  
Mackerras, Colin, ed. Chinese Theatre from Its Origins 
                                                                to the Present Day (1983)    PN 2871 C 53
______. The Chinese Theatre in Modern Times, from 1840
                                                                      to Present (1975)           PN 2871 M3
______. The Rise of the Peking Opera 1770-1870                             ML 1751 M3
Ortolani, Benito. Japanese Theatre: from Shamanisitc Ritual to
            Contemporary Pluralism (1990)                                             PN 2921 O78
Richmond, Farley P., ed. Indian Theatre: Traditions of Performance PN 2881 I53
Scott, A.C. The Kabuki Theatre of Japan (1955)                                PN 2921 S35


Booth, Michael, et al. The Revels History of Drama in English v. 6                            PN 2581 R48
Highfill, Philip, et al. A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses,
    Musicians, Dancers, and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800.                PN 2507 H5
Hume, Robert. The London Theatre World, 1660-1800                                              PN 2592 L64
_____. Henry Fielding and the London Theatre 1728-1737                           PR 3458 D7
Leacroft, Richard. The Development of the English Playhouse                                   NA 6840 G7
Loftus, John, et al. The Revels History of Drama in English v. 4
Mayor, A.H. The Bibiena Family                                                                                NA 1123 G3
Odell, G.C.D. Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving                                                   PR 3091 O4
Slonim, Marc.  Russian Theatre from the Empire to the Soviets.                                 PN 2721 S55
Vince, Ronald. Neoclassical Theatre                                                                            Ref PN 2183 N56


Bernheim, A.L. The Business of the Theatre                                                               PN 2291 B4
Bogard, Travis, et al. Revels History of the Drama in English v. 8                              PN 2581 R48
Dormon, James. Theatre in the Ante-Bellum South                                                     PN 2248 D6
Durham, Weldon. American Theatre Companies 1749-1887.                         PN 2237 A43
Grimsted, David. Melodrama Unveiled                                                                       PN 1918 U5
Henderson, Mary. The City and the Theatre                                                                PN 2277 N5
Hewitt, Barnard. Theatre USA                                                                                     PN 2221 H4
Hodge, Francis, Yankee Theatre                                                                                  PN 2248 H6
McNamara, Brooks. The American Playhouse in the 18th Century                            NA 6830 M3
Moody, Richard. America Takes the Stage                                                                  PN 2226 M6
Odell, GCD. Annals of the New York Stage, 11 vols                                                  PN 2277 N5
Rankin, Hugh. The Theatre in Colonial America                                             PN 2237 R3
Shattuck, Charles. Shakespeare on the American Stage                                               PR 3105 S5
Wilson, Garff, Three Hundred Years of American Drama and Theatre                       PN 2221 W5
_____. A History of American Acting                                                                         PN 2226 W5
Wittke, Carl F. Tambo and Bones: A History of the Amer. Minstrel Stage     PN 3195 W5


Altick, Richard. The Shows of London                                                                       T 395.5 G7
Carlson, Marvin. The French Stage of the Nineteenth Century                       PN 2634 C35
_____. The German Stage of the Nineteenth Century                                                 PN 2653 C35
_____. The Theatre of the French Revolution                                                             PN 2633 C 33
Donahue, Joseph. Theatre in the Age of Kean                                                             PN 2594 D6
_____, ed. The Theatre Manager in England and America                                          PN 2597 T46
Meisel, Martin. Shaw and the Nineteenth Century Theatre                                          PR 5367 M38
Speaight, Robert. Shakespeare on the Stage                                                                PR 3091 S358


Bablet, Dennis, Edward Gordon Craig                                                                        PN 2091 S8
Barker, Harley Granville, The Exemplary Theatre                                           PN 2037 G6
Beacham, Richard. Adolphe Appia                                                                              PN 2808 A6
Braun, Edward. The Director and the Stage                                                                 PN 2570 B74
_____. The Theatre of Meyerhold                                                                               PN 2728 M4
Brockett, Oscar. A Century of Innovation                                                                   PN 2189 B64
Brustein, Robert. The Theatre of Revolt                                                          PN 2189 B7
Craig, Gordon. On the Art of the Theatre                                                                    PN 2634 D43
Gilman, Richard. The Making of Modern Drama                                                       PN 1851 G5
Gorelik, Mordecai. New Theatres for Old                                                                   PN 2037 G54
Gregory, Lady Augusta. Our Irish Theatre                                                                  PN 2601 G7
Grube, Max. The Story of the Meiningen                                                                   PN 2185 G7
Hunt, Hugh, et al. Revels History of Drama in English v. 7                                        PN 2581 R48
Jasper, Gertrude. Lugne-Poe and the Theatre de l'Oeuvre to 1899                  PN 2638 L8
Magarshack, David. Chekhov the Dramatist                                                                PG 3458 M3
Meyer, Michael. Ibsen                                                                                                 PT 8890 M47
_____. Strindberg                                                                                                       PT 9815 M4
Miller, Anna Irene. The Independent Theatre in Europe                                              PN 2570 M5
Stanislavsky, Konstantin. My Life in Art                                                                    PN 2728 S78
Valency, Maurice. The Flower and the Castle                                                              PN 1851 V3
Volbach, Walther. Adolphe Appia                                                                               PN 2096 A6
Wagner, Richard. Wagner on Music and Drama                                                        ML 410 W1
Waxman, S.M. Antoine and the Theatre Libre                                                            PN 2636 P4


Artaud, Antonin. The Theatre and Its Double                                                              PN 2021 A713
Bigsby, C.W.E. Dada and Surrealism                                                                         NX 600 D3
Brecht, Bertolt. Brecht on Theatre                                                                               PN 2021 B68
Breton, Andre. What is Surrealism?                                                                            NX 600 S9
Goldberg, RoseLee. Performance Art from Futurism to the Present                           NX 600 P47
Kirby, Michael. Futurist Performances                                                                       PN 1582 J8K5
Hoover, Marjorie. Meyerhold                                                                          PN 2728 M4
Piscator, Irwin. The Political Theatre                                                                           PN 2654 P561
Rudlin, John. Jacques Copeau                                                                                     PN 2638 C74
Saint-Denis, Michel. Theatre: The Rediscovery of Style                                             PN 2638 S27
Styan, J.L. Max Reinhardt                                                                                           PN 2658 R4
Willett, John. The Theatre of Bertolt Brecht                                                                PT 2603 R397
_____. The Theatre of Irwin Piscator                                                                          PN 2658 P5
_____. Expressionism                                                                                                 NX 600 E9


Barrault, J.L. The Theatre of Jean-Louis Barrault                                            PN 2635 B273
Bentley, Eric. In Search of Theatre                                                                              PN 2189 B4
Bradby, David. Modern French Drama, 1940-1980                                        PQ 556 B57
Burian, Jarka. The Scenography of Josef Svoboda                                                     PN 2096 S9S8
Elsom, John. Post-War British Theatre                                                                       PN 2595 E4
Esslin, Martin. The Theatre of the Absurd                                                                   PN 1861 E8
Guicharnaud, Jacques. Modern French Theatre from Giraudoux to Beckett   PQ 556 G8
Hainaux, Rene, ed. Stage Design Throughout the World Since 1935                         PN 2091 S8


Brook, Peter. The Empty Space                                                                                   PN 1655 B74
_____. The Shifting Point
Brustein, Robert. Revolution as Theatre                                                          E 855 B78
Croyden, Margaret. Lunatics, Lovers, and Poets                                                          PN 2189 C7
Gassner, John. Directions in Modern Theatre and Drama                                           PN 2189 C3
*Grotowski, Jerzy. Toward a Poor Theatre                                                                 PN 2061 T6
Patterson, Michael. German Theatre Today                                                                 PN 2654 P33


Baker, George Pierce. Dramatic Technique                                                                 PN 1661 B3
Bordman, Gerald. American Musical Theatre                                                              ML 1711 B67
Blum, Daniel A. A Pictorial History of the American Theatre                                     PN 2266 B58
Case, Sue-Ellen. Feminism and Theatre                                                                      PN 1590 W64
Clurman, Harold. The Fervent Years                                                                           PN 2297 G7
Davis, Hallie Flanagan. Arena                                                                                     PN 2270 F43
Durham, Weldon. American Theatre Companies 1888-1930                          PN 2256 A44
_____. American Theatre Companies 1931-1986                                                       PN 2266 A54
Gassner, John. Theatre at the Crossroads                                                                    PN 1851 G3
Houseman, John. Run-through                                                                                   PN 2287 H7
Kirby, Michael. Happenings                                                                                       PN 3203 K5
Krutch, Joseph Wood. The American Drama Since 1918                                           PS 351 K7
MacGowan, K. and R.E. Jones. Continental Stagecraft                                               PW 2570 M3
Mitchell, Loften. Black Drama                                                                                    PS 338 N4M5
Novick, Julius. Beyond Broadway                                                                              PN 2266 N6
Schechner, Richard. Environmental Theatre                                                                PN 2189 S265
Weales, Gerald. American Drama Since World War II                                               PS 351 W4
Ziegler, Joseph. Regional Theatre                                                                                PN 2266 Z4


American Theatre                                                                                                        PN 2000A52
Journal of American Drama and Theatre                                                                     PR 332 J66
Modern Drama                                                                                                            PN 1861 M55
New York Theatre Citics' Reviews                                                                               Ref. PN 2000 N76
Plays and Players                                                                                                        PN 2001 P72
Shakespeare Quarterly                                                                                                PR 2885 S63
Theater (formerly Yale Theater)                                                                                   PN 2000 Y3
Theatre Journal (formerly Educational Theatre Journal)                                              PN 3171 E38
TCI (Theatre Crafts International)                                                                               PN 2000 T47
TDR (The Drama Review, formerly Tulane Drama Review)                           PN 1601 T8

Selected Periodicals

American Theatre                                                                                PN 2000 A52
The New York Times
Shakespeare Quarterly                                                                        PR 2885 63
Shakespeare Survey                                                                            PR 2888 C3
Theater (formerly Yale Theater)                                                           PN 2000 Y3
Theatre Crafts International (formerly Theatre Crafts)                        PN 2000 T47
Theatre Journal (formerly Educational Theatre Journal)                      PN 3171 E38
Theatre Survey

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